Zero Waste Kitchen Beautician Recipes

As many of you know, I have been doing my best to live a low impact zero waste lifestyle. In my attempt to do this I have realized so many ways that we waste every day, without even thinking about it. During my quest I have found and come up with several DIY recipes that not only reduce waste but also have been my favorite products I have ever used. Not only are we minimizing our trash but these recipes also help to avoid harmful chemicals that are used in our products, and move to a more natural source. So I know that I need to share for all of my other trash warriors. All these items I purchase in bulk as well to reduce the waste, and I try to find pure, organic and ethically sourced.

DIY Natural Toothpaste #kickthetube

  • 2 Tablespoons coconut oil

  • 1 tablespoon baking soda

  • Optional 1/2- 1 teaspoon of Turmeric powder

  • 15- 20 drops essential oil of choice (I use peppermint)

  • Mix it up, put in a pretty glass jar, use with your favorite recycled or bamboo toothbrush!

DIY Deodorant

  • 1/4 cup baking soda (purchased in bulk)

  • 1/4 cup cornstarch (purchased in bulk)

  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil (I’ll reuse the jar and add it to my collection)

  • Optional: 10 drops of essential oil (I’ll reuse this little bottle for something)

  • Mix it up, put in jar (I have used my coconut oil jar) and enjoy!


DIY Oil Face Wash

This one is my absolute favorite! I use this everyday and I swear that my skin looks the best it has ever looked!

I do not have exact measurements I just kind of play around with it, but here is my list

  • rose hip oil

  • amaranthe

  • vitamin E

  • Coconut oil

  • CBD oil


  1. Rub oil onto fingertips to warm then rub into face for 1 minute

  2. Steam face to open pores. Can use a washcloth over face or a steamer

  3. Use clothe to remove oil from face. You do not want to rub it in you want to remove and try to use different area of the cloth as you wipe.

  4. There will be a thin layer of oil on after and that is good

  5. Use your favorite toner, optional to use a moisturizer after but may not need to, and enjoy!

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